Enjoy a comfortable and punctual Aswan To Hurghada Private Transfer. Save your time haggling with cab drivers or trying local transport system. Take the easy, accurate and cheap option by booking your Private Transfer from Aswan to Hurghada with Journey To Egypt.
Book now your private pickup transfers and taxi services from Aswan to Hurghada and save your money !
Type Private. Run Every Day
Journey to Egypt driver wait in the meeting point with your name on the sign board and then he will escort you to Hurghada city.
Our aim is to offer the best reliable and safest transport service to all our customers at a competitive price.
Required details during Booking Process
Photo copies of your passports (the main page with photo and passport number). We need them 48 hours before transfer date to prepare the papers for the convoy for you. You can send the (copies) to info@journeytoegypt.com.
Aswan hotel name and Address.
Hurghada hotel name and address.
From a hotel in Aswan Or Nile Cruise to Hurghada
$210 Sedan Vehicle for 1 or 2 pax maximum with 2 Bags.
$275 Van Vehicle for 3 up to 5 Pax with 5 Bags.
$300 Mini Bus for 6 up to 8 Pax with 10 Bags.